Home > A full time/part time worker

A full time/part time worker

June 27th, 2006 at 03:51 am

Seems like with three "part time" jobs, I am one full time working woman. Too bad I don't get paid like that! All my jobs make about $10 per hr. My youngest, DD3, says she misses me. I will take her with me to job 2 and 3 tomorrow. Not sure how much patience I will get out of her, but she will get to see me!
Today was a no spend day except to get evil gas for the bus! Had dinner waiting in the crock pot for when I got home. Threw together some fresh veggies and dip and I was saved from take out!
Accomplished getting the office cleaned. Now I just need to go thru the file cabinets. Maybe tomorrow.

1 Responses to “A full time/part time worker”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I too am pasting together the part time jobs to equal a full time wage here. I don't have dependants at this point, so no fear that I'm busy.

    My fear is forgetting something and becoming a bit fragmented here. Nothing I'm doing is related to each other.........and there's that getting old situation too, to be factored in. Smile

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