Home > Had to get out of town fast

Had to get out of town fast

March 31st, 2006 at 04:56 am

No, we did'nt rob a bank. DH's grandmas passed away so we have been in Kentucky for a couple of days. Beautiful state. Nice service, good to see the relatives, but loonnnggg drive (6 hours). The kids were good, made Nana proud.
Little ones started back to school today! Yeah! Got some catch up cleaning done. Need to go "Mominate" (like "terminator") their rooms, where I clean up and OUT everything when they are not there to see it. They are warned they are going to be Mominated and they better tell me if something absolutely MUST stay, otherwise, all is fair game. They actually like this when I do it, because they do not have to clean their rooms for a few days!
Ready for April! I am taking all your friendly advises and starting a budget with some envelopes to control groceries and eating out. Stay tuned for progress.....

1 Responses to “Had to get out of town fast”

  1. veronak Says:

    I am sorry to hear about your lost

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