Home > Working from home

Working from home

April 6th, 2006 at 04:35 am

Joined a lovely bible study this morning. We'll see how it goes. Did donate $1, so I can't say its free. Went for "fellowship" afterwards. $3.00. Took DD1 to the doctor. $20 copay and who knows what the xray will cost?? Bought dinner for family $38.00. Easy to spend too much! I have been keeping track of how much I spend in each catagory for the "budget". I put little post its in my checkbook and formed my own "budget map" system. Catagories for groceries, eating out, gas, misc. and etc. Should be an eye opener at the end of the month and makes me think twice about what I am spending! Stay tuned for the results! Worked from home for one of the agents for an hour, so she owes me 2 hours worth (one from the other day). Wee ha! $20 coming my way!

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