Home > Expensive Earache

Expensive Earache

June 20th, 2007 at 08:25 pm

Took DD3 to the clinic to have her ear looked at. Tried to treat it at home first, but too painful.

$15 copay, $35 (!) drops! Geeze! $50! It still isn't feeling better. They said if it did'nt get better to bring her back in. What then? $40 antibiotics? Wish they would have just given her antibiotics instead. It has always worked before. Oh well, I'll give the drops another day and see what happens.

6 Responses to “Expensive Earache”

  1. JanH Says:

    Poor thing! I hope she feels better really soon!

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Of course they are hoping to avoid breeding other tough anti-biotic resistant bacteria in you child's body. There is certainly legitimacy to that. I've been wondering what they are prescribing now that antibiotics are being so strongly dissuaded in the case of earaches. Something to numb the pain, I hope. An earache can hurt so blasted much. And may I ask how long they thought you should wait before judging whether it is getting better or not?

  3. disneysteve Says:

    Joan - We prescribe Auralgan drops to numb the pain and advise 48 hours to see how things progress. What I will do, though, is write the prescription for the antibiotic at the initial visit and suggest to mom that she not fill it for at least 24 hours to see if the problem resolves on its own.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    They put her on Floxin and said to come back by the weekend if it did'nt feel better. I went back tonight and told them it hurt worse (I did'nt take her with me). It was bad enough she did'nt want to eat dinner cause chewing hurt. The lady told me that they would'nt give me an anitbiotic because it was an outer ear infection and that an anitbiotic would'nt help??? My kids have always gotten an antibiotic for an ear infection. I guess this is something new. My kids are generally so healthy that besides a little stomach flu or occassional strep, they don't take anything. Anyway, she told me to go home and give her Ibprofin and wait a couple more days. I should have taken the extra time to drive her 20 minutes to her pediatrician. I just liked the conveinence of the clinic.

  5. disneysteve Says:

    boomeyers - Outer ear infections are rarely treated with oral antibiotics as they are basically surface skin infections best treated topically. Sometimes the problem is the canal is so swollen that the drops aren't getting in. In that case, the doctor can insert a gauze wick into the canal that helps draw in the drops

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Thanks Steve! Yes, she told me to wick it with a cotton ball that I made pointy on one end. We will keep it up another day and see how it goes. It was such a mess, it was hard for her to see inside. I had been using the Debrox which I'm sure loosened any wax, then mixed with the fluid, well you know... ew!

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