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Archive for February, 2011

Boring stuff!

February 9th, 2011 at 04:54 am

Trying to get my coupons in order. Am going to start using Coupon mom. Have to dig out all the outdated coupons first!

Taking DD1's Girl scout troop to New York (for free) next month. DD2's troop voted tonight and want to take a trip to ATHENS!! Yikes!! We'll see....

Still broke and money situation still not secure. It is one of those overwhelming things, where you feel you have no control, so you just give up. I will get here.

Don't forget to cross fingers, say prayers for DD1's full ride interview on Saturday!!

Those taxing taxes!!

February 5th, 2011 at 06:18 pm

Since Dh has been "self employed" the last couple of years,we have had to have our taxes done. Our guy charges $175, which I don't think is too bad.

Looks like our "income" will be around 32000, but our medical expenses alone (with premiums) will be around 20000! Hope we get some back!

Still waiting on a K1 from the ex brother in law, and I have to find the interest report from the bank, then we will be ready to call him.

This year more is at stake as I have to apply for FSFHA for DD1 and myself so we can get college money. I can't wait to see what our ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME is. Maybe being poor will pay off in this situation.

Still trying to get DH to get a job that pays money. Hmpf.

Listed my debt!

February 4th, 2011 at 04:52 am

See our debt in all of its gory glory!! 53248.00. Believe it or not, we have paid it down!

DH is still working a commission only job and has not had a paycheck since last May. Ugh! I am still working my nanny job and at the real estate office on the weekends.

I have told my nanny job I am resigning in July. I have applied to school. I have an associates degree and I am going to go back and get my bachelors and hopefully my masters. My parents have said they will help and I will have to find some sort of part time job too.

My DD1 is getting ready to start college too! She has picked her school and got accepted. We are very proud of her. She has so many college/AP credits, she will probably start as a sophomore! We have been plowing through the scholarships and she has around $14000 so far. She goes on an interview in a week for a FULL RIDE, so prayers and crossed fingers would be appreciated!

Not sure how to approach debt and repayment, or accelerated repayment. I think I may target one and try to cut our food bill with coupons. Those would be my goals.

Anyhow, I have my daughters old laptop (kind of beat up and totally uncooperative), but it gives me some privacy to post again, without having to share a computer, so hopefully, I'M BACK!