October 31st, 2007 at 08:03 pm
Have a safe and fun Halloween everyone!
My friend Lynnae
Text is http://fromundertheclutter.com/category/blogging/ and Link is
http://fromundertheclutter.com/category/blogging/ is have a "tip or treat" carnival at her blog. My tip is to make holidays homemade!! Make the costume, make the cards, make the eggs to hide, make the birthday cake. There is nothing like the homemade touch to make a special day more special!
Posted in
Not necessarily financial
October 27th, 2007 at 05:05 am
Hello! Long time no blog! I guess I have'nt had much to say. Still struggling to pay things down and still have'nt gotten a better job. The old job will have a perfect vacancy soon, but they have decided not to fill it at all. Figures! I really have to get out of there!
So, I have had no spend days! I have also been cooking dinner at home! Got DD3 a brand new with tags winter coat for FREE, just by asking if anyone in my neighborhood had any hand me downs!
I have also been trying to organize DD3's room (it is always a disaster!) She does'nt have any "real" furniture, so I dug around in the basement and took the dresser we used in their nursery and painted it white. Then I took an old trash picked desk and painted it the purple of her room with her left over paint. Just waiting for all of it to dry and will have DH and his buddy carry it upstairs. I also painted and built some bookshelves for her room (planks from Home Depot and some brackets). I really hope we can get everything straigtened up!
So anyway, just trying to get some things done, without spending any money!
Posted in
October 18th, 2007 at 04:39 am
I have three checks coming from three different survey sites! Two for $10 and one for $5! Can't wait!
Posted in
October 13th, 2007 at 05:21 am
Go to this link to download a $5.00 off Tylenol coupon!! Just scroll down to the red Download button at the bottom (you may have to install the coupon loader, easy and quick) and then hit download and print coupon! Many Tylenol items you can find for under $5.00, so its FREE!
Text is http://www.tylenol.com/page.jhtml?id=tylenol/news/subpcccoldmed.inc and Link is
Posted in
Saving Money
October 12th, 2007 at 05:28 am
I found this cartoon on justabeachkat's website and had to share!!
Text is http://bp3.blogger.com/_VOGqx1wiya4/Rwl9br-Gg1I/AAAAAAAACNQ/SJXaZ3YX0OQ/s1600-h/Heavier.bmp and Link is
Posted in
October 11th, 2007 at 05:25 am
I added the handy dandy sidebar ticker (fancy ain't it - and FREE!) for my debt reduction. I was hoping this would challenge me to make it go DOWN instead of keep going up!! So when DH gets paid, I will get some immediate gratification.
Still no job yet. Not much but retail around right now, I am looking for something more lasting. Still working on buying ahead for Christmas, especially with those Gift Cards from doing surveys!! No one has to know thier gift was FREE, right??
Still cooking at home and trying to keep the kids from the "I wannas". Thank goodness they have birthday money!
Posted in
October 8th, 2007 at 05:04 am
Ugh! I have been fighting this stupid disease for almost 10 years. It sure seems like the older I get, the less frequent the "attacks", but the the more severe and longer in length they are!! I knew I was messing with trouble by scheduling too much for the birthday weeks, but hey, I should be able to handle it. Geeze, like a ton of bricks I have been useless and miserable this entire last couple of weeks. It sure makes saving money harder, I really don't feel like cooking, but I have managed to drag my sorry butt to make something every night (except for this weekend). I have been feeling a bit better since yesterday, I just can't wait to feel normal again!!
Posted in
Not necessarily financial,
October 5th, 2007 at 04:46 am
Wow do I feel blessed! I told DD3 we would have to go over the hand me downs because it is SUPPOSED to get cold (some day). We pulled out all the hand me down clothes and jeans from her big sis, and all the stuff I bought at my neighbors garage sale. Looked like a good blend, but a little long on the jeans and short on the shirts. Lo and behold my other neighbor sent over some wonderful hand me downs and there were lots of cute shirts! A little small, she will have to wear them right now, but that is okay!
Been having spend free days and cooking at home. Still no job, things are slim around here. Been pointing out to hubby every time he spends. Nudge, nudge, point, point - see! It's not all me!
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