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December 30th, 2011 at 02:15 am
Yep, that's right. I'm here lurking around. Been to many folks blogs, checking up. ;-)
Money for us has been such a train wreck, I just couldn't even begin to blog about it.
Still have our home, still have our debt, life is about the same.
How have you all been?
Posted in
March 21st, 2011 at 02:49 am
Well, we are back from New York! I worked Saturday and Sunday at the real estate office and tomorrow back to the nanny job! Oldest will be off school all week. Not sure what we will do, but hoping to play at the park as something free to do!
New York was cool. Very loud and busy. Just missed MJRube. Was right outside her office! I know she is swamped with the stock market in the current shape it is in!
Here is a picture of DD1 and I in Central Park:

Going to try to keep this a no spend week.
DH got his first check from the new job. Of course in a check, no direct deposit, grrrr...
Updated my debt amounts on the sidebar. Not sure how I will finish paying the bills this month. Seriously out of money!! Juggle I will. May need to borrow the insurance money from mom again, so that amount will go up. Sigh.
Happy Spring everyone!
Posted in
Not necessarily financial
March 11th, 2011 at 04:08 am
Soooo, in January I got to go to New York FOR FREE! I booked my daughters girl scout troop with EF tours and not only do I get my trip for free, but I got to go on a training trip so I could see first hand what happens on our tour. It was SO COOL! New York city was AWESOME! My flight, hotel,2 meals and tickets, and transportation were all FREE! I took about $140 and brought home almost $100. All I had to buy was lunches and I did not buy any souvenirs as I decided to wait until I went back with my daughter.
We fund raised long and hard for this trip. It is well deserved for my girls! In the end, we ended up only having to pay $200 for my daughters ticket.
We leave on Sunday for our trip! I am sure this time will be a little more expensive, but I will try not to overdo. I am excited for my daughter to see the city. Two Broadway shows, Mama Mia and Anything Goes.
Posted in
Not necessarily financial
March 8th, 2011 at 05:20 am
Sounds more fun than the good news and the bad news!
Good news! DH got a job! Although he is going to keep working at his commission job (although he has still yet make a commission!) he will start working at Home Depot part time. Does not pay much, but it does offer benefits. He did not get the store close to home, but hopefully after a while he can transfer. Gas is too high.
I must admit, he is NOT happy, but I am THRILLED!!
Bad news. Ugh. DD1 did not get the full ride scholarship she interviewed for. They brought in 30 kids and were giving away 5 scholarships. She was number 6. She is very upset and I don't blame her. She is an alternate, so that if anyone chooses not to accept, she will get it, but the lady said it sounded like all would be accepting. Cross your fingers one of them gets a better scholarship to a school they want to go to school to more. An alternate gives you a sense of hope that I don't want to count on.
So, we are busily filling out every scholarship application we can qualify for!!
Had chili in the crock pot for dinner. Not sure what to have tomorrow night.
Posted in
Not necessarily financial,
Home Life
March 7th, 2011 at 03:49 am
Made a trip to Aldi today after work. It is pretty convenient from work and I am thinking this is a new habit I would like to start, stopping by every Sunday after work to shop for the week. It just depends on what we will be needing. Sometimes I have to go to Walmart.
I am still also exploring the coupon usage and using coupon mom and Clipping with Carie for Missouri users. Still haven't made the time to do this yet, but I am collecting coupons and checking things online.
Here is a list of what I picked up from Aldi. Thought you might like a price comparison. Since it has been a while since I have been to Aldi, I bought one of a few items for kids and Dh to try.
10 lb russett potato 3.29
18 ct. double roll toilet tissue 6.99
Hoagie rolls 1.69
Whole Grain White Wheat bread 1.19
Skim Milk Gallon 2.21
Shredded Cheddar 12 oz 2.79
Celery 1.19
200ct facial tissue 1.19
Green grapes 2.99
Fudge brownie mix .99
Light Sour Cream .99
Banana's .77
Cinn Crunch cereal 1.69
Corn Muffin Mix .35
6pk light butter microwave popcorn 1.49
Jumbo Flaky biscuits 1.19
Cookie Dough ice cream 2.49
Baked potato chips 1.99
Strawberry light yougart .35
Sour cream and onion potato chips 1.29
Extra virgin olive oil 3.49
They don't list ounces and counts and I am too tired to go fetch them.
Made a lovely roast for dinner tonight with mashed potatoes, biscuits and corn.
Pre made the hamburger to put in my chili for tomorrow night. Going to serve that with corn biscuits. Will leave the chili in the crock pot for the day.
Posted in
What I Spent,
Home Life
March 6th, 2011 at 02:25 am
Woo hoo!
How about that! I am very excited and thanks to everyone who sent well wishes!
Now I need to shake a stick and get back on here.
Posted in
Not necessarily financial
February 9th, 2011 at 04:54 am
Trying to get my coupons in order. Am going to start using Coupon mom. Have to dig out all the outdated coupons first!
Taking DD1's Girl scout troop to New York (for free) next month. DD2's troop voted tonight and want to take a trip to ATHENS!! Yikes!! We'll see....
Still broke and money situation still not secure. It is one of those overwhelming things, where you feel you have no control, so you just give up. I will get here.
Don't forget to cross fingers, say prayers for DD1's full ride interview on Saturday!!
Posted in
Home Life
February 5th, 2011 at 06:18 pm
Since Dh has been "self employed" the last couple of years,we have had to have our taxes done. Our guy charges $175, which I don't think is too bad.
Looks like our "income" will be around 32000, but our medical expenses alone (with premiums) will be around 20000! Hope we get some back!
Still waiting on a K1 from the ex brother in law, and I have to find the interest report from the bank, then we will be ready to call him.
This year more is at stake as I have to apply for FSFHA for DD1 and myself so we can get college money. I can't wait to see what our ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME is. Maybe being poor will pay off in this situation.
Still trying to get DH to get a job that pays money. Hmpf.
Posted in
Not necessarily financial
February 4th, 2011 at 04:52 am
See our debt in all of its gory glory!! 53248.00. Believe it or not, we have paid it down!
DH is still working a commission only job and has not had a paycheck since last May. Ugh! I am still working my nanny job and at the real estate office on the weekends.
I have told my nanny job I am resigning in July. I have applied to school. I have an associates degree and I am going to go back and get my bachelors and hopefully my masters. My parents have said they will help and I will have to find some sort of part time job too.
My DD1 is getting ready to start college too! She has picked her school and got accepted. We are very proud of her. She has so many college/AP credits, she will probably start as a sophomore! We have been plowing through the scholarships and she has around $14000 so far. She goes on an interview in a week for a FULL RIDE, so prayers and crossed fingers would be appreciated!
Not sure how to approach debt and repayment, or accelerated repayment. I think I may target one and try to cut our food bill with coupons. Those would be my goals.
Anyhow, I have my daughters old laptop (kind of beat up and totally uncooperative), but it gives me some privacy to post again, without having to share a computer, so hopefully, I'M BACK!
Posted in
Home Life
December 25th, 2010 at 04:18 am
I have been reading up on all of you (yes, stalking)! and it is wonderful to see what everyone has been up too! Looks like many of you will be happy to see this year go and many of you accomplished amazing things this year!
I am hoping to be back in the saddle for the New Year with a few attainable goals.
So happy you are all still here keepin the frugal train running!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! :-)
Posted in
Not necessarily financial
October 25th, 2010 at 08:41 pm
I DID NOT fall off the face of the earth!! How about that?!
Our financial situation has been so bad, I have been so baffled that I couldn't talk about it. Actually, I don't know HOW to talk about it. If I try to think about things for too long, I get too confused and I want to barf. Soooo... I have been "head down, making it day to day" for a long time. Because DH has not had a paying job since April, nor has he tried to get one, I have lived on the queasy stomach precipice, and hope to not fall off. No, I do not know his reasons, and no I am not going to leave him or divorce him, but no, I can't go through this alone. So I struggle. Maybe I can get it together and start to talk about it again, but failure hurts.
Anyhoo, been in touch with some SA friends on FB, and I sure do appreciate their friendship! Thrifty Ray is one of my BFF's even though we have never met! And I love keeping in touch with Keeping it Frugal, Mom from Missouri, Price Plus, Homebody and MJRube!! :-)
Hope everyone in SA land is doing well! I have been stalking and some of you are doing wonderful things!! Keep up the good work!
Posted in
July 20th, 2010 at 05:21 pm
Any advice?? Dealing with DD3, who is about to turn 13. She is a SSPENDER!! Give her $10 and she will immediately run to the store and buy $10 in candy!! She begs constantly for fast food. I have no problem saying no, but it is a CONSTANT thing! DD1 is cheap and frugal, DD2 has expensive tastes, but generally uses her own money by saving it and spending for what she wants. DD3 is a train wreck and I am afraid she is on a bad track. I try to be firm about putting some of her money in savings, and she has about $80 in her savings and does not ask to touch or spend it. Out of sight out of mind works with her. I feel bad that she is generally the one that is left at home with dad every day and does not have any friends that live around us. She is bored.
Sooo, besides trying to teach her to cook (so that she feels more enabled to feed herself, lessening the I want fast food pleas) any other suggestions? She is short on patience, she needs some kind of "baby step" program and some kind of mission or project for the rest of the summer.
Did pretty good this weekend. Stayed at home Saturday and Sunday and cooked dinner both nights! Lasagna and chicken kebobs and rice. Gave at church, but I put that in "regular bills" and not "spending".
QT gas 30.00
Dierbergs $54.60
Laundermat 4.75 (dog got sick on comforter!)
7/19 No spender!!
Today should be a no spender too!
Posted in
What I Spent
July 17th, 2010 at 03:06 am
Well, we just got DD1 back from Germany and DD3 back from my sisters farm, and now we send DD2 off on a mission trip. Man, it is expensive doing charity work! We spent lots on Off, suntan lotion, and other goodies to try to keep her cool. She will be working on an elderly ladies home, clearing the property and sprucing it up. Supposedly it is covered by weeds and bushes. That mixed with 100 temps and bugs is going to be icky!! They also have "Guardian Angels", like secret santas and we had to buy something to give everyday.
Once this trip is over, we can concentrate on back to school. Luckily, since my kids are older, we do not have to buy many.
McDonalds 23.46 (Took bbsitting kids)
Dierbergs 21.72 Groceries
Target 182.83 Trip/home goods
Walgreens 19.12 more trip
Walgreens 30.00 perscriptions
Arbys 12.87 pay day lunch treat
JINB 4.07 for DD3 (says she will pay me back >( We'll see.
Posted in
What I Spent
July 11th, 2010 at 10:02 pm
She was tired!! She had a great time and didn't want to come home! So glad she had this experience. She said she did drink when she was over there, but I told her that was okay to do. She did it responsibly, and she didn't like it! Her souvenirs were simple and nice. Going over to my moms tonight for a little welcome home dinner. Glad I don't have to cook!
Worked both days this weekend at the real estate company. SIL that is living with us is out of town and I am taking care of the 12 cats in the basement. One is diabetic and needs shots twice a day, four others have various medical issues that they must be medicated for. Will have to get up 45 mins. early each day to medicate them before work. She watched our pets for us when we were out of town.
Shop n Save: 29.48 (Getting $20 cash back)
Bunko: $5
Church raffle: $10
Walgreens: 24.26 (Again, getting $20 cash back)
QT: Lunch/lotto tickets: $18.00
QT: Gas 58.95
Parking garage: 2.50
QT: Lunch: $10
Posted in
What I Spent
July 9th, 2010 at 03:35 am
Michaels: $12.33 bday gift
Hobby Lobby: $12.68
Petco: $36.03
Shop n Save: $24.00 DD1 prescription
Posted in
What I Spent
July 8th, 2010 at 04:02 pm
So next up to share is my JCPenny credit card. This is only in my name and I use it for clothes for the family. Of course, first I try hand me downs and garage sales, but it is hard to find the right jeans to fit my DD2 and 3. I am in the rewards club, so I get an occasional free $10 reward. (Based on what I spend).
The total on this card is $1200. It has an astronomical interest rate of around 19.99%. I try to pay around $75 per month and do not anticipate having to use it again for another couple of months.
Spending for 7/7
Chuck E Cheese for bbsitting kids $17.40
Doctor co pay $25.00
Posted in
What I Spent,
July 7th, 2010 at 03:30 am
That we owe. I thought I would list our debt so you could see what we are paying, whether you want to follow along or say "Wow! She has way more debt than me!" Because of the extensive list, I am breaking it down into categories.
Today I will share our most recent debt, medical bills! Our insurance is 80/20, so with the recent surgery, we have lots!!
Hospital 1: $1458.20 (This one is in limbo as I have requested financial assistance. When I last talked to the lady, she said they are working on Aprils request. I turned mine in the beginning of June, so this one is sitting on the back burner.)
Hospital 2: Current $550.00 Made payment arrangements of $50 per month.
Doctor 1: 227.12. Will pay $50 a month til complete.
Doctor 2: $120.00 currently. Will pay $50 per month.
Hospital for surgeon: $170.00. Paying $50 a month.
Orthodontist: 1034.29, paying $67.50 per month.
Total medical debt: $3509.61 Monthly: $267.50
Feel really nickel/dimed by this, but once some of these get paid off, it will really free up some cash!! I think DD2 will have one more doctor bill coming in.
Spending today 7/6:
Dierbergs: $49.28
Saved $4.75 in coupons!
Posted in
What I Spent,
July 5th, 2010 at 11:21 pm
So for the first few months of the year, I reported what I spent and then set some goals.
Now that the surgery is over and life is back to normal, I am back in business!! So I will start counting as of today 7/5!
Went to Aldi to try to save some money! Just thought you might be interested in some random prices:
Hamburger buns: .79
12 pk of double roll tp: 4.69
Whole grain white bread: 1.29
Tomato juice: 1.29
16 oz shredded cheddar: 2.99
iceberg lettuce: .99
Sour cream: .99
32oz ketchup: .99
Pretzel sticks: 1.29
Olive oil 16.9 oz extra virgin: 3.29
Skim milk: 2.35
Vegtable oil: 1.89
How about the cost in your area?
After I finished at Aldi, I went to Walmart. The egg prices were comparable, but I was able to get an 18 count instead of a 12 count. I like that I can use coupons at Walmart too! Saved $5.10 in coupons. I had to buy some big dollar items like dog food, cat litter, a toilet scrubber and some new dish towels.
Aldi: $73.09
Walmart: 109.41
Posted in
What I Spent
June 28th, 2010 at 07:21 pm
We put DD1 on a plane Saturday bound for Atlanta then to Germany. I am very excited for her! This trip is an exchange student program. We hosted Kathrin in October and her family will now host DD1. The cost is a plane ticket, a passport and spending money. Not too shabby! We were well under our weight limit for her suitcase. We came in at 43.8 on a 50lb limit. I was very impressed as her luggage included gifts for the host family. So all in all, this is a frugal experience for my daughter! Her Papa paid for her plane ticket and various family members "slipped" her a few dollars. She also saved most of her paychecks and now has over $1000 available if she needs it. She laughed and said she would never spend that much money. And it is true! She is a true cheapskate and I couldn't be prouder when I say that! I can't wait to hear all of her stories and see all of her pictures! So far she has gone to a World Cup party. Germany won! She said people were screaming and throwing beer on each other! Haha! There are no smoking restrictions there, so she is having trouble with her allergies. She also said everyone drives crazy. Sounds like so far it has been a blast. Today she goes to school with her host. They have the same climate there as we do here and they do NOT have air conditioning in schools! Yikes!
Sorry, I'm rambling. Not too much about finance, just a little! Will post other things like financial goals later.
Posted in
June 21st, 2010 at 03:17 pm
I will admit, I joined Facebook and am really enjoying it! Initially it was to hook up with people from high school before our reunion last year, but it is so much more! I have reconnected with "far away" family, some wonderful old friends and some super SA friends!
The best part, besides the updates and pictures, is the FREE games you can play. Not just the time consuming ones (I try to stay away from most of those! I don't need a Farm or a Fish tank! )But fun ones like Family Feud, Scrabble and even Uno! And it is all free and I can play them with my kids online at the same time with some of them! Nice for connecting with them when I have downtime at work! They have lots of fun word puzzle game too.
Going to talk to DH about him getting a second job. (AGAIN!) Wish me luck!
Posted in
Learn something new,
Saving Money
June 18th, 2010 at 05:34 am
So I eluded in my last entry about a financial mess, so here it is:
The DH went into business with the BIL a little over a year ago. In Nov BIL and SIL decided to divorce. Things still okay with the business, but BIL started to get a little squirrely. In May SIL and her 12 CATS moved in with us while she builds herself a new home to move into. That is all well. DD3 had to give up her room and the cats are very well behaved and live in the basement. But I digress....
In May BIL tells DH the company is out of money and he has no money to pay him or pay for our health insurance. DH was expecting a commission shortly, so he pulled the money from the savings. Commission comes in, we get half. Now what? BIL is the manager of the business. DH does his job and has never asked BIL for the books or accounts of spending. SIL thinks BIL is hiding money and trying to make the business look non profitable because of the divorce. DH still won't confront BIL about the books or a business buyout. So we just keep living off savings.
I can't begin to tell you how frustrated I am. I approach DH logically, I approach him yelling and screaming and still nothing. He will not go out and get a PT job (he works from home for about 4 hours a day)nor confront BIL and do SOMETHING about this. Do I threaten divorce? This puts our home and whole family in jeopardy. I am gone 10 hours a day and work another job most weekends. Savings are dwindling. DH buries his head in the sand.
And yes, perhaps irresponsibly, but we did take SIL's "rent" for May/June and took the kids on a short vacation. I needed it!!
Posted in
June 16th, 2010 at 02:59 am
Well, I haven't been living life in luxury in my glorious yacht crusin' the Caribbean! Although that would be nice!!!! 
I have been recuperating from that crazy surgery! It seems everyone I personally know, except one, has had some sort of complication from surgeries this year! Long and the short of mine (guys cover your ears!) is that they left one ovary, but it does not want to cooperate, so they put me on the pill, which has given me high blood pressure. Sooo, I have to decide whether to:
1) stop taking the pill and live with the pain
2) take the pill and the high blood pressure meds till I get a little older
3) have them yank the other ovary and possible take replacement therapy.
All I have to say about that is BLAH.
Our finances have taken a HORRIBLE turn as well, but I will save that for another day!
How have you all been???
Posted in
March 17th, 2010 at 02:42 am
I can't get my stuff together to report on Feb and I have'nt really been out of the house for most of March, so I will start again in April with my keeping track of my spending.
Like I said, I got the first bill from the hospital, but it is for $1000 and we have a $500 individual deductible and a $1500 for families on in network hospitals. So I am going to investigate that for now.
Posted in
March 11th, 2010 at 01:50 am
Woo hoo! Feel like a ping pong ball, I'm in, I'm out, I'm in, I'm out!
I was released on Monday and found a message on the answering machine on Tuesday (from Monday) from the hospital wanting to make payment arrangements from my stay! Geesh! So much for recuperation! Send me a stinkin' bill first. It informed me this current stay will cost us $1000. I have not yet heard from the first hospital for what it will charge from my fun with Mr. Robot.
I am feeling better. The antibiotics must have done their job. No fever, less bleeding. I am definitely going to dump my ob/gyn. He dumped me back on the surgeon for this little episode and I don't think that is very professional.
Anyway, back to healing, just thought I'd let you know I am doing better!
Posted in
March 7th, 2010 at 08:31 pm
Sorry haven't had much financial news! Just SICK news. Apparently I have an abscess from the surgery and have been in the hospital since Friday (after 13 stinking hours in the ER!!) Have adapted to the hurry up and wait attitude! Not sure what will happen till tomorrow. Lots of intervenous IV's of antibiotics. On a good note, our insurance waives the $200 copay if you are admitted, so we saved some!
Posted in
February 28th, 2010 at 06:19 pm
Mr. Roboto did his job. They were able to leave me with one ovary and that is all I need. Didn't have too many issues with the incisions yet, most problems I had were from hanging UPSIDE DOWN!! Yes indeed, when the robot operates on you, they put you on the table and then move it vertically so you are head down to the floor. This is supposed to help with bleeding, etc. In this case, what bleeding I did have moves into the rib cage and clots up and until the body absorbs it. What it did to me was make my muscle spasm in excruitatingly painful charley horses right in my right rib cage. Every time I would move a muscle on my right side, the spasm would start. I would have to say it was definately MORE painful than contractions! Wow! I scared the pee out of those poor nurses! I was rather vocal in my painful displeasure. Anyway, everything is better now! Just working on regular recovery!
Posted in
February 25th, 2010 at 05:35 am
Won't have time to update! Too much to do! Will catch up on Febs totals when I'm coherent again!
Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes!
(Forgot to tell you, they are going to use a ROBOT!! Wonder what he will charge! Reminds of a song from the 80's!)
Posted in
Not necessarily financial
February 21st, 2010 at 08:19 pm
Already slacking on my New Years resolution by not posting every day!! I will get back on it!
Not too much going on. Very busy getting everything ready so I can go have my surgery!
Will post Febs. totals on Wednesday since I will be out of action starting on Thursday.
Deals - 5.00 (donation)
Walmart - 26.86 - tolietries
Walmart - 34.22 - donations to GS event
ALDI - 44.45 - groceries
McD - 9.98 - dinner
Arbys - 7.76 - lunch
QT - 47.14 - gas
Taco Bell - 16.99 - dinner
Walgreens - 15.93 (daughters passport photo and some other misc junk)
Bread Co. - 15.47 - lunch with DD2
QT - 23.19 - gas
QT - 6.51 - lunch
Posted in
What I Spent
February 15th, 2010 at 04:12 am
Hope everyone has a terrific day! We have lots of snow! 
2/14 - 34.00 Shop n Save meds
- 3.54 Shop n Save
- 35.00 Pizza for girls
- 15.00 Outback (We had a $25 GC too)
Posted in
What I Spent
February 14th, 2010 at 03:42 am
Lets just say that now it is something that involved the police, but wasn't her fault. I need a shot of something!!! ;p
2/12 - 10.00 Valentines gift for hubby
2/13 - 5.00 Deals for GS project
- 20.89 Pizza Street
Posted in
What I Spent