Home > The switch

The switch

August 7th, 2006 at 12:21 am

A couple of months ago, we purchased DD3 a loft bed for her small room. At the time she was very excited, but when it was up, she did'nt like it and would not sleep in it. We would put her to bed and in the morning find her sleeping on our floor or one of her sisters floors. After a couple of months of bribery, threats and etc. to no avail, we gave up. My friends daughter wanted to get rid of her day bed and her son wanted a loft bed, hence the switch. Yes, in the long run we did lose money as the loft bed was purchased for a pretty penny brand new, but we did'nt SPEND any money for a new bed she will sleep in! It's really cute and fits right into her room with a trundle bed for guests even!
Picked up DD1 from camp today. My FIL drove, so no gas out of pocket and he took us to breakfast! Still have to put away and clean up all the "camp stuff". DD1 ecstatic to be home!
Did spend some money yesterday and today. DD3 won her soccer tournament, so I took her to McD to celebrate. And our cable booster box got fried in the lightening storm, so had to buy a new one at Radio Shack.

McDonalds 8.46 DD3 celebration
church 15.00 Donation
Walgreens 10.00 prescription
Radio Shack 57.98 booster
Culpeppers 66.96 welcome home dinner dd1

1 Responses to “The switch”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Money well traded if DD3 will enjoy the new bed!

    I am sure you are a happy momma hen to have all your chicks home again!

    Enjoy having your whole family home again!

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