Home > Knocking off the shopping list....for 07!!

Knocking off the shopping list....for 07!!

December 26th, 2006 at 06:59 pm

DD2 and I went out this morning to forage for bargains. I try only to do this every few years. I got my Sis, and SIL's all something and all the teacher gifts for next year. Yee ha! Now I just have to remember I have them! Will put them in a special Christmas box. Also picked up some more Christmas lights. Also got an early morning "doorbuster" set of luggage that I used the JCPenney gift card for so our luggage for the trip is FREE! :-)

2 Responses to “Knocking off the shopping list....for 07!!”

  1. kristinecfp Says:

    Congrats on getting ahead for next year. I'd love to do this, but I just can't stand the day-after shopping crowd! Any advice on how to get through one of the busiest shopping days of the year?

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Ah, spoken like a true smart shopper.

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