Home > Lovely Lettuce

Lovely Lettuce

January 11th, 2007 at 11:43 pm

Okay, I'm on the BA bandwagon!
My lovely lettuce can be used in such a variety of tummy filling ways, it boggles my mind!
You have to remember, I just went and had surgery so I could eat lettuce again! That is loyalty to my lettuce.
Nothing gets me like a big vegetable salad (lett., broc, caul, carrots, tomatoes, etc.) or a chefs salad!
The first salad I ate after the surgery was a yummy all hail tooooo.... Caesar! Yummmmmmmmm!

Oh, and another no spend day for me! :-)

2 Responses to “Lovely Lettuce”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe. I can't take the credit though. I believe it was Pennwise who started it, and fern who took the next step... and so forth.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Would you believe I have never eaten lettuce or a salad in my life. I hate the taste!!

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