Home > Decisions


March 9th, 2008 at 03:49 am

I have two decisions to make. One is that the library has another position open for a secretary. As you recall, I was passed over the last time. The hours are'nt my favorite, but I guess I could make it work, even keep working my current job if I wanted to. Plus my side jobs. My DH says would'nt it just be easier to hold out for a good full time job instead of juggling all the PT jobs. Thoughts?

We have a $360 rebate from Costco. I know it does'nt go far there! Should I just take it and buy lots of meat and stock up things? DH and I can't think of anything large we need right now, except for things to use to finish the basement. You have to use the whole amount at one time and it must be used by August. I think I am leaning toward stock up. Thoughts?

5 Responses to “Decisions”

  1. cptacek Says:

    Will you need tires for your car? I think they have tires there. That could really get you ahead...

  2. fern Says:

    On the job front, could you use the benefits that come with f/t work, mainly health insurance? Maybe you're already on your husband's plan?

    I would think in general a f/t job for 40 hours would pay better than 2 or 3 p/t jobs adding up to 40 hours, though i understand your desire for flexiblity in your schedule.

  3. scfr Says:

    Unless you need a large purchase where Costco has competitive prices (like tires as cptacek mentioned), I would go for a good stock up of food staples ... think of it as a hedge against food price inflation!

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I say it's time to do the pros and cons list again. Then, you will have a better idea on what is best for you, the hub and your girls.

    As far as the Costco...Stocking is always good, so long as you can use it up before exprirations and freezer burn become an issue. Of course, there's always laundry soap and toilet paper, which don't go bad!! lol.

    Perhaps, you could look into their travel options and book a trip to Oregon. Wink

  5. homebody Says:

    We spent $304.00 with no problem when our rebate was only $176.00 or so. I posted about it....

    I spent $206.54 my last shopping trip there on Friday! We will get another rebate in May and I am definitely using it to stock up.

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