Home > Is a NS worth mentioning? (Oh, and apparantly other meanderings!)

Is a NS worth mentioning? (Oh, and apparantly other meanderings!)

March 12th, 2008 at 03:49 am

YES! I had a no spend day. Woo hoo, happy dance. They are few, they are far between, but soooo appreciated when they are here!

I also have come to realize just how much I LOVE staying at home. I need to make peace with the debt and work hard at not making new debt, but I still don't have that screaming urge to head for the desk and work, work, work. I'm thinking I am going to live in the status quo for now and try to reverse process.

I remember when the kids were smaller and we were in debt. We got out of debt, overcame it and excelled over it. (Much, much thanks to Amy Dacyczyn!!) Grant it, it was'nt this huge overwhelming amount of debt we now have, but I think we can do it again with me still working part time and being a homemaker. I told DH as soon as the kids are independent enough, I will glady hit the grindstone and he can stay at home! Smile I appreciate his hard work and sacrafice for us. Anyway, this is what I have been pondering today. Hopefully DH can hang in at his job, but that is a story for another day!

6 Responses to “Is a NS worth mentioning? (Oh, and apparantly other meanderings!)”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Every NS day is reason to celebrate!! I can remember years that the only gift I asked for for my bday or mothers day was the new Tightwad Gazzette..and then I would savor over every page and dream about the what ifs.. Our children are little for a short time...savor it while you can---all too soon, they are grown and gone...and working is a whole new joy!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yay! A no spend day! Every nsd adds up eventually into money saved or debt paid down. You go girl! Smile

  3. lost in debt Says:

    I work out of my home and don't go out maybe only once a week to go to the store to get a few items. I'm saving on gas and convenience store stops, but don't worry the DH makes up for it - I'm working on him.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    What's NS?

  5. boomeyers Says:

    A "No Spender" Day! Smile

  6. helpmefriend Says:

    Add up those wonderful No Spend Days!
    I love them too. When you have more and more, you will see the difference.

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