Home > Citi's latest trickery

Citi's latest trickery

March 22nd, 2008 at 03:41 am

I posted before how Citi had moved its due date backwards and we had a "late" payment. The charged us the lovely $39.00. This statement, I now see that the late payment is listed as a "standard purchase" and is being charged an 11.99% interest rate. Do they know how to get you coming and going, or what!!!!

1 Responses to “Citi's latest trickery”

  1. ldyfaile Says:

    The dates on my Citi statement always change for the credit card. It has to do with the length of your billing cycle since there aren't always the same number of days in the month but your days in the billing cycle stays the same. I only get paid once a month so it doesn't affect me too much, I get paid about a week before the statement comes out and I pay it as soon as I get it. But I still note the due date on my budget for future reference.

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